I love making traditional quilts as much as I like to make fiber art. There are only so many quilts one needs so way back in the day, I started making quilts for some of the women in my life. Sister and Sisters-in law have been recipients. This one was gifted to my niece, Katie Jones. It is so named because this scrap quilt contains many of the fabrics used in quilts made for Katie's aunties.
Making a scrap quilt sounds like a simple project. It often requires more thought and planning than any other. For this quilt, I unified the blocks by making the outer most edge of each block a black print of the same strip width. I did not want any two adjacent blocks to have the same print or same scale print. So a plan was required for this.
All of the spaces in between are made of white and black prints of differing scales. Since these needed to be spread across the quilt, I laid all of these out in the beginning. From there, I made groupings of 5 prints that would work together. The very center of each block looked best if it was a print. As I moved across the quilt, I selected a color family that was not in the nearby blocks. I used a foundation and flip and stitch technique for making the quarter blocks.
I loved working on the quilt. All the colors make me happy. And, with a little planning at the beginning, the flow of work is much quicker with a pleasing end result.
Shout out your take on scrap quilt making or anything else that suits your fancy.