The story...
100 Women in Congress
The conversation began with the founding mothers. Contained in a
vessel, the classic symbol for women, their dialog is represented by interconnected
stitch alone. Public voice was not an option for them. But, their whispered
conversations became the foundation of what was to come.
In 2014, for the first time in American history, 100 of their daughters
walk the halls of Congress. These women give a lot to be there--absence from
family and other life activities, the need to deal with gender bias, not being
a part of the “good old boys” network. They persist.
Represented by 100 colorful circles placed on a cloth printed
continuously with the number 100, they connect to each other. There remains room
for the next 100. My hope is that it not take as long.
The quilt...
And a close up:
Linking to Nina-Marie